SSC GD Coaching 2024 Online | Offline Classes

    About Staff Selection Commission General Duty (SSC GD)

    SSC GD stands for Staff Selection Commission General Duty. It is a recruitment exam conducted by the Staff Selection Commission to select candidates for the posts of Constable (General Duty) in various central armed police forces like BSF, CISF, CRPF, SSB, ITBP, NIA, SSF and rifleman in Assam Rifles. Some of the popular posts for which candidates are recruited through the SSC GD exam are:

    1. Constable (General Duty) in Border Security Force (BSF)
    2. Constable (General Duty) in Central Industrial Security Force (CISF)
    3. Constable (General Duty) in Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF)
    4. Constable (General Duty) in Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB)
    5. Constable (General Duty) in Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP)
    6. Constable (General Duty) in the National Investigation Agency (NIA)
    7. Constable (General Duty) in Special Security Force (SSF)
    8. Rifleman (General Duty) in Assam Rifles
      Parameter                                                                    Details
    Exam NameSSC GD (Staff Selection Commission General Duty) Exam
    Conducting AuthorityStaff Selection Commission (SSC)
    Level of ExamNational Level
    Posts OfferedConstable (General Duty) in various forces (BSF, CISF, CRPF, SSB, ITBP, AR, NIA, SSF)
    Educational QualificationCandidates must have passed 10th class or equivalent from a recognized board
    Age Limit18-23 years (relaxation as per government norms)
    Selection ProcessComputer Based Test (CBT), Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Physical Standard Test (PST), and Medical Examination
    Application ModeOnline
    Application FeeRs 100 (Fee exemption for SC/ST, Ex-servicemen, and women candidates)
    Exam ModeOnline (CBT)
    Exam Duration90 minutes
    Number of Questions100
    Maximum Marks100
    Marking Scheme1 mark for each correct answer, 0.25 negative marking for incorrect answers
    SyllabusGeneral Intelligence & Reasoning, General Knowledge & General Awareness, Elementary Mathematics, and English/Hindi
    Exam DatesFebruary 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, and March 1, 5, 6 and 7, 2024.
    Admit CardAvailable on the official website of SSC before the exam
    ResultDeclared on the official website of SSC

    SSC GD Constable Important Dates- 2025

    SSC GD Notification 20255th September 2025
    SSC GD Apply Online Starts5th September 2025
    Last Date to fill Application Form14th October 2025
    Last Date for making payment14th October 2025
    SSC GD Exam Date 20254, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, and 25 February 2025
    SSC GD Result 2025May 2025

    Eligibility criteria for SSC GD

      Parameter Details
    NationalityCandidates must be citizens of India
    Age Limit18-23 years (relaxation as per government norms)
    Educational QualificationCandidates must have passed 10th class or equivalent from a recognized board
    Physical StandardsHeight: Male – 170 cm, Female- 157 cm; Chest: Only for male candidates – Unexpanded 80 cm and expanded minimum 5 cm; Weight: Proportionate to height and age as per medical standards
    Visual AcuityVisual Acuity unaided (NEAR VISION) – N6 (better eye) and N9 (worse eye). Uncorrected visual acuity (DISTANT VISION)- 6/12 (better eye) and 6/18 (worse eye)
    Medical StandardsCandidates should be free from any physical deformities or diseases like Knock- Knees, Flat Foot, Varicose Veins, etc., and should have good mental and physical health

    Note: Relaxation in age, educational qualification, and physical standards are provided as per government norms for reserved category candidates.

    Exam pattern for SSC GD

    SubjectsNo. of Questions Total Marks Duration
    General Intelligence & Reasoning204060 minutes
    General Knowledge & General Awareness2040
    Elementary Mathematics2040
    English/ Hindi2040

    ✔ The exam consists of a computer-based test (CBT) with 100 multiple-choice questions (MCQs). Each question carries 1 mark, and 0.25 marks will be deducted for every wrong answer.
    ✔ The total duration of the exam is 90 minutes.
    ✔ The questions are available in both English and Hindi language.
    ✔ The syllabus for the exam includes General Intelligence & Reasoning, General Knowledge & General Awareness, Elementary Mathematics, and English/Hindi.
    ✔ The questions are of 10th standard level.


      Stage                                                      Description
    Computer Based Test (CBT)It is the first stage of the selection process. Candidates have to appear for an online exam of 100 marks. The questions will be of objective type and available in both English and Hindi language. The duration of the exam is 90 minutes. The questions will be based on General Intelligence & Reasoning, General Knowledge & General Awareness, Elementary Mathematics, and English/Hindi.
    Physical Efficiency Test (PET)Candidates who qualify for the CBT must appear for the Physical Efficiency Test. Male candidates have to run for 5 km in 24 minutes, and female candidates have to run for 1.6 km in 8.5 minutes.
    Physical Standard Test (PST)Candidates who qualify for the PET must undergo the Physical Standard Test. The height, weight, and chest (only for male candidates) measurements of the candidates will be taken. Candidates who do not meet the prescribed standards will be disqualified.
    Medical ExaminationCandidates who qualify in the PST will have to undergo a medical examination. The medical board will examine the physical and mental fitness of the candidates. Candidates who are found unfit will be disqualified.
    Final Merit ListCandidates who qualify in all the above stages and meet the cutoff marks will be selected for the post of Constable (GD) in various forces. The final merit list will be prepared based on the marks scored by the candidates in the CBT.


      Section Syllabus
    General Intelligence and ReasoningAnalogies, Similarities and Differences, Spatial Visualization, Spatial Orientation, Visual Memory, Discrimination, Observation, Relationship Concepts, Arithmetical Reasoning, Figural Classification, Arithmetic Number Series, Non-Verbal Series, Coding and Decoding etc.
    General Knowledge and General AwarenessCurrent Affairs, History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General Polity, Indian Constitution, Scientific Research, etc.
    Elementary MathematicsNumber Systems, Computation of Whole Numbers, Decimals and Fractions, Relationship between Numbers, Fundamental Arithmetical Operations, Percentages, Ratio and Proportion, Averages, Interest, Profit and Loss, Discount, Mensuration, Time and Distance, Ratio and Time, Time and Work, etc.
    English/HindiVocabulary, Grammar, Sentence Structure, Synonyms, Antonyms, Comprehension, etc.


    Verbal Reasoning-

    AnalogySemantic Analogy, Symbolic/Number Analogy, Figural Analogy
    ClassificationSemantic Classification, Symbolic/Number Classification, Figural Classification
    SeriesSemantic Series, Number Series, Figural Series
    Coding- DecodingCoding and Decoding by Analogy, Coding-Decoding in Fictitious Language, Coding-Decoding of Words, Operations on Place Value, Coding and Decoding in Various Types of Codes
    Blood RelationFamily Tree, Coded Blood Relations
    Direction and DistanceRoute and Network-based, Distance and Direction sense
    RankingArrangement in Rows and Matrix
    Time SequenceNumber and Alphabet based, Sequence Test
    Venn DiagramsLogical Venn Diagrams
    Missing CharactersLogical Sequence of Words, Logical Sequence of Letters, Inserting the Missing Character, Human Body Parts, Seating Arrangement
    Alphabetical SeriesAlphabet Test, Logical Venn Diagrams

    ✅ Non-Verbal Reasoning-

    AnalogyComplete the Image Analogy, Mirror Image Analogy, Water Image Analogy
    ClassificationClassification of Figures, Embedded Figures
    SeriesSeries Completion, Analogy, Classification
    Mirror and Water ImagesFigure Reflections, Water Images
    Paper Folding and CuttingPaper Folding, Paper Cutting
    Completion of FiguresFigure Matrix, Embedded Figure
    Embedded FiguresHidden Figures, Completion of Incomplete Pattern



     Subject/Topic Subtopics                                              Details
    Current AffairsNational current affairs– Politics and Governance, Economy and Finance, Science and Technology, Sports

    Environment, Arts and Culture, Awards and Honours, Appointments and Resignations, Obituaries, Government Schemes and Programs

    International current affairs– World Organizations, World Leaders and Personalities, Bilateral and Multilateral

    Agreements, World Events and Summits, Science and Technology updates

    HistoryAncient Indian History– Indus Valley Civilization, Vedic Period, Mauryan Empire, Gupta Empire, Post Gupta Period, Harshavardhana, South Indian Kingdoms, Sultanate Period
    Medieval Indian History– Delhi Sultanate, Vijayanagara Empire, Mughal Empire, Maratha Empire, European Trade and Colonization, Revolt of 1857, Socio-religious Reform Movements
    Modern Indian History– British Administration, Indian National Movement, Partition of India, Post Independence India, Indo-Pak Wars and Conflicts Emergency, Mandal Commission and Mandalization
    World History– Ancient Civilizations, Renaissance, Industrial Revolution, World Wars and Cold War Globalization, Major Events and Conferences


    – Physical Geography, Climate and Vegetation, Agriculture and Irrigation, Mineral Resources and Industries, Transport and Communication Demography and Human Geography


    – Continents and Oceans, Major Landforms and Water Bodies, Climate and Vegetation, Natural Resources, Population and Demography, Trade and Transport


    – Preamble and Salient Features, Fundamental Rights and Duties, Directive Principles of State Policy
    Union and State Legislature, Judiciary and Judicial Review, Emergency Provisions
    Indian Judiciary– Hierarchy of Courts, Judicial Activism and Reforms, Recent Landmark Judgments, Contempt of Court

    Government System

    – President and Vice President, Prime Minister and Council of Ministers, Governor and Chief Minister, Parliament and its Committees, Elections and Election Commission
    Public Policy– Welfare Schemes and Programs, Economic Policy and Planning, Industrial Policy and Reforms, Foreign Policy and Relations, Defence Policy
    Rights and Duties– Human Rights and their Protection, Duties of Citizens and Public Servants, Women and Child Rights Constitutional and Legal Remedies
    EconomicsIndian Economy– GDP and Growth Rates, Poverty and Unemployment, Banking and Finance, Public Finance and Budget, Economic Reforms and Liberalization, Agriculture, and Rural Development
    World Economy– International Trade and Agreements, WTO and Globalization, International Financial Institutions, IMF and World Bank, Fiscal and Monetary Policies of Major Countries
    Public Finance– Budget and Fiscal Policy, Government Revenue and Expenditure, Public Debt and Deficit Financing, Public Distribution System and Subsidies
    Banking and Finance– Banking System and Reforms, Monetary Policy and Regulation, RBI and its Functions, Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs)
    Economic and Social


    – Human Development Index, Sustainable Development Goals, Social Welfare


      Topic                                                                Chapter
    ArithmeticWhole numbers, decimals, and fractions
    Conversion of fractions to decimals and vice versa
    Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions and decimals
    Percentages: calculation of percentages, percentage increase or decrease, and compound interest
    Simple and compound interest
    Calculation of profit and loss
    Ratio and Proportion: direct and inverse proportions
    Problems on ratio and proportion
    Partnership problems
    Average: finding the central value of a set of numbers
    Mean, median, and mode
    Problems on average
    AlgebraBasic Algebraic Identities: formulas involving algebraic expressions
    Identities related to (a+b)2, (a-b)2, and (a+b)(a-b)
    Linear Equations in One and Two Variables: solving linear equations with one or two variables
    Solutions of linear equations
    Word problems
    GeometryBasic geometrical concepts: lines, angles, and polygons
    Parallel lines
    Types of angles and their properties
    Triangles and their properties
    Triangles: types of triangles and their properties
    Congruence of triangles
    Similarity of triangles


     Topic                                                                Chapter
    Congruence and Similarity of Triangles: determination of congruent or similar triangles
    Problems related to congruence and similarity of triangles
    Circles: properties and formulas related to circles
    Tangents and chords
    Arcs and sectors
    Chords and Tangents: properties of chords and tangents
    Problems related to chords and tangents
    Mensuration: calculation of area, perimeter, and volume for various shapes
    Squares, rectangles, parallelograms, and triangles
    Circles and semicircles
    Cubes, cuboids, and cylinders
    TrigonometryTrigonometric Ratios: sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant, and cosecant ratios
    Trigonometric identities
    Trigonometric ratios of complementary angles
    Heights and Distances: calculation of heights and distances using trigonometric ratios
    Angle of elevation and depression
    Simple problems on heights and distances
    Statistical ChartsPie Chart: representation of data in a circular chart
    Interpretation of data represented in pie charts
    Bar Graph: representation of data in a rectangular chart with bars
    Interpretation of data represented in bar graphs
    Histogram: representation of data in a rectangular chart with bars of varying widths
    Interpretation of data represented in histograms
    Frequency Polygon: representation of data in a line chart connecting the midpoints of bars in a histogram
    Interpretation of data represented in frequency polygons


      Chapter                                                            Topic
    Reading ComprehensionUnderstanding passages and answering questions based on them
    Cloze TestFilling in the blanks in a passage with the appropriate words
    Sentence CorrectionFinding and correcting errors in sentences
    Para JumblesRearranging sentences to form a coherent paragraph
    Idioms & PhrasesUnderstanding and using common idioms and phrases
    Synonyms & AntonymsUnderstanding and using synonyms and antonyms of common words
    One Word SubstitutionUnderstanding and using a single word in place of a phrase or sentence
    SpellingsCorrect spelling of common words